Thursday, 24 October 2013

Bath Buns

I have wanted to make these buns for some time, but whenever I have looked at them in the past, I have realised that I have not had enough time. They require two lots of proving, once after making the dough, and then secondly after the rolls are formed.
I decided that Saturday was the day! Also, some of our neighbours have a connection with Bath university and as the particular students were home for the weekend, I thought I could give them some buns! I am not sure how well they compare with the real thing, but they were pretty tasty.
I have a feeling that my yeast needs replacing. I bought a tub of it which I have kept in the fridge, but I have had it while, and I wonder whether it is not doing it's job properly. I am sure it wasn't down to my kneading! As a result of this, I did not get a very good rise. Having said all this, they didn't last long in our house, and I think they were well received by our friends. We gave them 8.0

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