Friday, 12 July 2013

Hazelnut Meringue Cake

This was delicious! Last Saturday, having been out to Grenwich and enjoyed the glorious sunshine, we came home to a BBQ. I served this up for desert (having made the meringues in the morning).
The recipe requires you to toast the hazelnuts before adding them to the meringue mixture. You will be pleased to hear that I did do as I was told this week, but this was  because the only hazelnuts I had in the cupboard were whole ones that needed the skins removing.
It was a simple process, but I am not sure what the benefit is over using ordinary chopped hazelnuts. I probably will try baking it one day without toasting the hazelnuts, as this is definitely a dessert that I will bake again. Apart from all that, it was fairly straight forward to make, although once again, I was very grateful for my mixer which enabled me to add the sugar slowly. If you only have a hand mixer, make sure you have someone with a strong arm who can mix while you add the sugar!
It went down extremely well, and we gave it 9.25!

1 comment:

  1. This looks stunning Julia. I am very impressed at your tenacity in working your way through Mary's book, and you and your family still look so trim! We would be like a family of Weebles by now! (Weebles wobble but they don't fall down!) Congratulations on being a seasoned blogger.
