I made this on Mother's day, with my newly acquired zester, which I had been bought for the occasion. Clearly I am grating so many lemons that my family think I need help!
When I first opened my present, I thought it looked rather like a large version of something you would use to take dry skin off your feet!!
Having wondered whether I really needed this gadget, I thought I would give it a try, so I made a Sunday afternoon cake!
The zester was brilliant, and definitely going to be very useful. The lemon cake on the other hand was ok, but not quite as good as usual, only scoring 7.5
The crunchy top was great, but there was not enough lemon flavour in the sponge. A bit more zest would have done the trick!
If your zester gives you little strips, then I have experienced the same problem - I think maybe grating releases more flavour. Barbara Ottley