Sunday, 27 January 2013

Sponge Christening Cake

 This week, it was my lovely Nan's 96th Birthday, and I had the privilege of baking her a cake.
I had a good look through the book and decided to bake this sponge cake with lemon curd and cream filling.
This recipe was probably the most complicated one that I have done so far, but thanks to Mary's clear instructions, I got there.
The recipe required me to  whisk the eggs and sugar over a bowl of hot water until creamy and thick. This took a lot longer than I had expected. Probably about 10 minutes - my arm ached by the end!
It was worth the extra effort, as the sponge was light and delicious. My Nan loved it, which was the most important thing. It received a score of 9.5, my highest yet!
I have not done any baking since Tuesday - my longest break so far, so I am beginning to wonder whether I've got time to bake something for Sunday tea. Watch this space.....
p.s Apologies to my regular testers, but the cake was demolished by family!

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY 96th BIRTHDAY Dear Julia's Nan. That is a very pretty looking cake. Especially with a lemon cured and cream filling my favourite. I will definately be wanting you to bake me one of those.
